Buyer Agent Online Brochure
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Selling Services
Internet Marketing: Enhanced Results
90% of buyers start their search online
We advertise on our personal website and hundreds of other sites. Unlimited photos and descriptions mean your home will stand out and move to the top of the list so it’s easy to find.
Our top four performers and marketing channels are: 20 million unique visitors monthly 88% of every home for sale in America has been Zillowed 20 million unique visitors monthly #1 used Realtor site internationally 5 million unique visitors monthly, just went public and growing rapidly
e-Flyers Personalized e-flyer is sent to every Agent in the Valley, letting them know about your listing There are over 48,000 agents and we don’t rely on MLS alone to notify them about your home
150 inquiries on average monthly about our listings
Selling Services
Selling Services
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